Reiana E. Smiley
4 min readJun 6, 2021

Calvin Matthews was once one of the biggest country music stars in his late teens. Country music was his forte, and he had a great reputation. He had no criminal record and acted decently. There were so many country songs he performed that anyone could count. The most important thing about him was that he looked quite good. For Mario and his friends, Matthews was a role model, especially to Toad.

Unfortunately, there was only one problem. Although he was popular among country music fans, he was not popular with girls. In fact, some girls even accused him of sexual harassment, even when he did nothing illegal, as stated earlier. Matthews was called into court to answer for those allegations. His innocence was proven in a blog post on Twitter, but after being deposed by numerous people, being convicted in court, and BBR Music Group being forced to cut him off, he retired from singing country music forever. He had reached rock bottom.

In the meantime, Mario and his friends were concerned, and they talked constantly about what had happened to Matthews, whom Toad looked up to as a role model for country music and a once-popular country singer.

Reporters speculated about who would replace Matthews, after he announced his retirement from singing country music. These events sparked panic among Mario and his friends, and they discussed them incessantly. As far as Toad was concerned, Matthews might never sing again.

Several years later, however, an article published in the New York Times completely changed everything. As per the article on the New York Times website, singer Calvin Matthews would undergo surgery in order to save his music career. There were shock waves all over the country because of this. Mario and his friends appeared to be the most shocked, and they discussed what to expect from Matthews’ surgery. Toad thought Matthews’ voice would never be the same.

Unfortunately, however, Toad’s thoughts came true, as the news showed. After his surgery, Matthews was completely devoid of his country song vocals that he had before. The sound of his voice was much more profound in his adulthood. This news startled Mario and his friends, and they wondered whether Matthews’ surgery had a positive or negative effect.

Matthews’ surgery did indeed have a positive result. Matthews no longer sang country music, but Toad remembered how he used to. As Mario and his friends listened to Matthews’ country songs, their hearts were full of nostalgia, and they no longer worried about Matthews.

The New York Times then posted another article. In the article, Matthews was reported to have started training to become an opera singer. Neither Mario nor his friends, especially Toad, noted it, thinking that Matthews wasn’t cut out for opera.

They later realized they were wrong following a live news report. Matthews had studied opera with no help from anyone. Mario and his friends started getting worried, afraid that Matthews couldn’t sing the same way anymore. Toad even suspected that he may lose interest in his role model.

Eventually, Matthews became a professional opera singer. Mario and his friends, especially Toad, became a little wary of him. Then, Matthews made his debut as an opera singer in Spring 2019. His popularity as an opera singer skyrocketed, and he even gained more popularity with girls than as a country singer. As Matthews’ popularity as an opera singer increased, Toad grew more skeptical about him.

Following his participation in a voice-over agency, Matthews became a voice actor in the summer of 2019. As a result, he was cast as Hamatora’s Murasaki for the English-language dub of “Pop’n Music 19 TUNE STREET: The Hamatora Arc/The Re: Hamatora Saga.

Then, after Matthews’ second surgery in winter 2020, he gradually improved his voice, and now when he sings, he sounds like the late great Dmitri Hvorostovsky. It fueled Toad’s distrust of Matthews so much that it made him scared of him. Mario and his friends were scared by Matthews just as much as Toad was, even more so Daisy and Yoshi.

I was skeptical about Matthew’s chances of meeting girls when my friends and I took him to LA, but that didn’t stop him from singing with many girls as we walked around the city. It turns out that some of these girls had been trained as sopranos while others had been trained as mezzo-sopranos. So enamored were they with his deep, baritone-like voice, they moved in with him.

Peach always felt the need to laugh every time he sang, and she still does.

He also began recording several songs with the girls who moved to his house, and they joined him in several concerts. Even today, Toad is still scared of him, as are Daisy and Yoshi.

Yet, Calvin Matthews, once a popular country singer, has become a famous opera singer since then.

That’s how Calvin Matthews transformed himself from a country music sensation into an opera star.

Reiana E. Smiley

I'm a skilled story writer at 16 years old and a very talented story-teller.